ICE International is the name of the international high-speed network of the Deutsche Bahn
(DB Fernverkehr) and the Dutch Railways (NS). ICE International is offered between
the Netherlands and Germany and between Belgium and Germany. This happens without
the Belgian Railways (SNCB).
ICE International operates two trunk lines: the Netherlands is Amsterdam Central - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf offered from Belgium is Brussels Midi - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf offered.
To / from Netherlands
Amsterdam Central - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf vv (5-6 * x / day, April / October 6 m × / day)
via: Amsterdam Central - Utrecht Central - Arnhem - Oberhausen Hbf - Duisburg Hbf - Düsseldorf Hbf - Köln Hbf / Köln Messe / Deutz - Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen Fernbahnhof - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf. Train 121 stops Köln Messe / Deutz, all other trains stop at Köln Hbf. If the Utrecht-line Duisburg work is, this train is diverted and canceled stops Arnhem, Oberhausen, Duisburg and Düsseldorf. The train stops instead in Eindhoven and in Mönchengladbach.
Amsterdam Central - Basel SBB vice versa (1 × / day)
via: Amsterdam Central - Utrecht Central - Arnhem - Oberhausen Hbf - Duisburg Hbf - Düsseldorf Hbf - Köln Hbf / Köln Messe / Deutz - Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen Fernbahnhof - Mannheim Hbf - Karlsruhe Hbf - Offenburg, Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf - Basel Bad bf - Basel SBB * On Friday and Sunday rides in the winter months a few extra train (ICE 120/ICE 121).
* Seasonal trains: trains 126 and 127 drive only from April to October. All other trains throughout the year.
* From 2016 to DB and NS Hispeed via an ICE International train inserting Amsterdam to London via Brussels South Midi.
To / from Belgium
Brussels Midi - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf vv (4 × / day)
via: Brussels Midi - Brussels North - Liège-Guillemins - Aachen Hbf - Köln Hbf (- Siegburg / Bonn - Montabaur - Limburg Süd) - Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen Fernbahnhof - Frankfurt (Main) Hbf
(Siegburg / Bonn one train per day, Montabaur 1 train to Frankfurt on Sunday, Limburg Süd one train per day and two on Sunday)
The schedule between Brussels and Cologne is complemented by Thalys trains.
For the service uses 17 ICE 3M trains. NS Hispeed has three trains (4651-4653) 2 of which are equipped with NS Hispeed logo, and 1 standard NS Logo (4653). The other set (4601-4604, 4607, 4610-4611, 4654 and 4680, 4682-4685) of Deutsche Bahn. The ICE 3M proposals are likely to travel on the German, Dutch and Belgian network (as opposed to the normal ICE-3 trains).
For travel within the Netherlands the same tickets as NS, subject to payment of an additional fee of € 2 (NS subscriptions including the student travel product and the NS Business Card pay one charge). This supplement may be at NS ticket machines loaded on a chip.
In Belgium you can with a domestic ticket travel between Brussels and Liege, with a supplement of € 8 is paid. In first class in the second or € 12 This supplement is only available at the international offices of the SNCB. Domestic tickets not valid between Liège and the German border.
ICE International

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